The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: I recently changed jobs (Alys Wall, MSc, 1998). I am now working at the Murray Darling Basin Authority in Canberra, Australia. I will be coordinating the Vegetation and Physical Form themes in the Sustainable River Audit program. We will be using Remote Sensing (Color RGB and infrared bands, and LIDAR) with field validation to establish baseline information on river health. These data will be compared with a reference condition (pre 1750 estimates of vegetation landcover and geomorphology) and will be monitored every six years for change. They will also be used as an input for State and Federal Management programs across the Murray Darling River system that covers 23 river valleys across over a million square kilometers. Finally, I am using all the training, experience and education I spent so many years working on! Cheers, Alys Wall |